Is this the world’s most expensive boat trip? Climbing the Mullardoch Munros

Is this the world’s most expensive boat trip? Climbing the Mullardoch Munros

We left the longest walk of the trip until the second week, when we hoped to be more mountain fit. Even so, when we stood on the summit of Toll Creagach and looked across Loch Mullardoch to its four associated Munros (the ‘Mullardoch Munros’), we could see quite clearly that it was going to be a loooong day.

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Nirmal Purja’s ascent of all fourteen 8,000m peaks: why is it controversial?

Nirmal Purja’s ascent of all fourteen 8,000m peaks: why is it controversial?

Last week was one of those weeks when a mountaineering story is so big that it makes it into the popular press. On the face of it, it was a straightforward story of someone smashing a record to smithereens. But if you dig a little deeper, there is another side to it.

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Monte Marsicano up the back side: 8 summits in one day

Monte Marsicano up the back side: 8 summits in one day

Since climbing Monte Marsicano from the south on one of our first visits to Abruzzo National Park, we’d had in mind to climb the mountain via a longer route from the more remote northern side. This route took in no fewer than 8 Apennine 2,000ers in a single day.

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The Ennerdale Horseshoe: a Lake District gem

The Ennerdale Horseshoe: a Lake District gem

A sunny bank holiday weekend in northern England was the signal for a visit to the Lake District. As we headed out for a backpacking and wild camping microadventure in Ennerdale, I couldn’t quite believe that it had been five years since my last visit.

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