Bothies, boats and backpacks: climbing the Knoydart Three Munros

Bothies, boats and backpacks: climbing the Knoydart Three Munros

Sixteen years ago, I set out on a 5-day winter backpacking trip to climb three Munros in Knoydart, a remote peninsula in northwest Scotland. It turned into an epic that I was lucky to survive. Earlier this year, unexpectedly, I found myself with a chance to make amends.

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In memoriam: Dave Fowler, West Coast mountain guide

In memoriam: Dave Fowler, West Coast mountain guide

It was with great shock and sadness that I learned of the death of Dave Fowler on Aonach Eagach earlier this month. Dave guided Edita and me on the Cuillin in 2020. He was a great character, ever talkative and cheerful, and extremely careful as a guide.

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Why don’t we see yetis anymore? I may have found the answer

Why don’t we see yetis anymore? I may have found the answer

Himalayan travel writing is peppered with stories of yeti sightings or yeti footprints. But if yetis still exist why hasn’t someone filmed one by now? I may have stumbled upon the answer in a long-forgotten work of Himalayan travel writing.

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