Yes, indeed. I’m not joking, these books could change your life. They could be the little ripple that becomes a tidal wave that you ride across the bay to meet your date with destiny. Or, less dramatically but rather more likely, they could just end up being an enjoyable read. But that’s no bad thing either, especially for a freebie.
Earlier this year I reviewed Cicerone’s outstanding new cycling guide to the North Coast 500 (NC500), called – you guessed it – Cycling the North Coast 500. Well, Cicerone have provided a couple of copies of their book for me to give away to two lucky winners, and one of them could be you.
Even better, I’m going to throw in a couple of signed copies of my book Feet and Wheels to Chimborazo as a bonus. I don’t sign many copies of my books, which makes this prize a collector’s item. I can say with confidence that a signed Horrell is rarer than a signed Messner, so get in quick.

In 2017, Edita had the brilliant idea of quitting our jobs and cycling from sea level to the summit of Chimborazo, the furthest point from the centre of the earth. The intoxicating adventure that followed formed the basis of my book Feet and Wheels to Chimborazo, a kind of Tim Moore meets Joe Simpson but without the knife. It’s a book that would appeal to anyone who enjoys books about cycling and mountaineering, as long as they don’t take either activity too seriously.
As part of our training for the challenge, we hired a pair of bikes and cycled the North Coast 500 in north-west Scotland, which turned out to be a challenge all of its own. In fact, this rite of passage formed the central section of my book.
It was a challenge made all the harder by the total absence of both cycling talent and a decent guidebook. Happily, while I’m still waiting till the twelfth of never for the first of these (to borrow a phrase from Johnny Mathis), the second is now much easier thanks to Cicerone, whose guidebook I reviewed on this very blog last month.
How can I win these two tours de force?
To be entered in the draw all you have to do is complete the entry form. By entering the competition you will also be signed up to my mailing list (if you are not already). You will receive my regular blog post about mountains and occasional news about new book releases. If you don’t want to receive these updates then you can unsubscribe at any time.
If you are already on my mailing list then you will still need to sign up for the competition and will not be entered automatically.
Please feel free to share this post with any friends and family who you think may be interest.
The closing date for this competition is midnight UK time, Friday, 24 May 2024, so if you would like to win then sign up now!
Even if you don’t want (or win) the book you can still be a winner
Everybody who enters the competition or signs up to my mailing list will receive a free copy of my ebook Islands in the Snow.
In other words, you can’t lose, but sign up today! (If you have entered the competition for the book then you don’t need to sign up here as well.)
Or perhaps you just want to buy the books
If you just want to buy the books then of course you can do that too. They are available in ebook and paperback from a number of popular online retailers.