Ueli Steck’s ridiculous mountaineering career

Ueli Steck’s ridiculous mountaineering career

If you read the title of this post and think I’m about to slag off the Swiss climbing superstar, famous for his speed ascents in the Alps and Himalayas, then you should know upfront that I’ll be doing precisely the

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The snows of Kilimanjaro, and why seeing is believing

The snows of Kilimanjaro, and why seeing is believing

(I should start by pointing out to anyone hoping to read about the Ernest Hemingway short story of the same name, about a man who bullies his wife while dying of an infected leg on safari in East Africa, that

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Why most books about Everest are irrelevant (but not all of them)

Why most books about Everest are irrelevant (but not all of them)

If you type the word Everest into the books category on Amazon.com, here’s what you get: 4 teen novels about a group of backstabbing teenagers competing to become the youngest person to climb Everest 1 worst-case scenario teen adventure book

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Joe Brown provides a rare glimpse of Kangchenjunga

Joe Brown provides a rare glimpse of Kangchenjunga

When my mate Dan asked me if I wanted to go and see Joe Brown talk about the first ascent of Kangchenjunga, I didn’t even realise he was still alive (Joe Brown that is, not Dan). There aren’t many climbers

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In memory of Victor Correa of Guican

In memory of Victor Correa of Guican

It made me very sad to hear about the last fatality on Manaslu this year before the weather closed in and the Himalayan climbing season ended for the winter. Eleven people had already died in a huge avalanche on the

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