The story of Sherpa mountaineers from early expeditions to the present day

The story of Sherpa mountaineers from early expeditions to the present day

I’m super excited to make two big announcements in today’s post – a rare public appearance and a new book that explores the journey of Sherpas from the porters of early expeditions to the superstar climbers of the present day.

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Nine Lives by Robert Anderson: Everest from all angles

Nine Lives by Robert Anderson: Everest from all angles

I don’t often accept books for review – not because I’m not interested, but because life is short and there are too many books I want to read. Sometimes, however, I make an exception, like when Robert Anderson offered me a copy of his latest book Nine Lives.

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The Ghosts Above – 36 minutes of Everest porn, free on YouTube

The Ghosts Above – 36 minutes of Everest porn, free on YouTube

In 2019, the mountaineering film maker Renan Ozturk and climbing writer Mark Synnott led an expedition to the north side of Everest to look for the body of Sandy Irvine. They didn’t find him, but they brought back a sumptuous feast of photography.

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