Did Rudyard Kipling’s explorer see Hamish MacInnes looking behind the ranges?

Did Rudyard Kipling’s explorer see Hamish MacInnes looking behind the ranges?

The title of Hamish MacInnes’s book Look Behind the Ranges is taken from Rudyard Kipling’s poem The Explorer about a man who is urged to cross the mountains behind his home by an inner voice. But what would Kipling’s explorer have made of Hamish MacInnes?

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Did George Mallory climb Everest in 1924? I asked ChatGPT for an answer

Did George Mallory climb Everest in 1924? I asked ChatGPT for an answer

There’s been a lot of hype about the new chatbot ChatGPT. If it can impersonate a real person, then it occurred to me that I could interview George Mallory and find out if he actually reached the summit of Everest in 1924. So I did, and here’s what happened.

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