What does the Nepal Mountaineering Association do?

What does the Nepal Mountaineering Association do?

The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) has recently lost a significant part of its annual income. In this week’s post I look at the NMA’s work to see what programmes will be affected and what this change is likely to mean for mountain tourism in Nepal.

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As climbers wring their hands about Everest, Nepal quietly rebuilds

As climbers wring their hands about Everest, Nepal quietly rebuilds

While the climbing community were busy bickering about Everest, the Nepalese were quietly rebuilding their lives after the devastating earthquake. As trustee of a development charity I was given a privileged insight into what they’ve been up to.

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Nepal earthquake: who should I donate to?

Nepal earthquake: who should I donate to?

People have been asking me to recommend a charity to help victims of the Nepal earthquake. It’s a difficult question, because it depends on personal preferences and priorities, but I know a little about Nepal, and though I’m no expert on disaster response, I’ll do my best to answer.

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